Create Blog Posts

First thing to create blog content is to create a post post.  Theme has various post options for you display different content on your blog post. Here are the steps to create a blog post.

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Posts > Add New

Enter post title and content. You can use any shortcode or HTML to editing field.

Assign this post to category using categories box on the right side. Add tags to this post. Type tag name in to the field in Tags box on the right side.

Upload post featured image using set featured box on the bottom right side. All pages will use this image for post preview image and thumbnail.

Once you finish, click Update.

Post Options

  • Post Layout – Select single post page layout between fullwidth and with right sidebar.
  • Featured Content Type  – Select post main feature content type ex. image.

Single Post Settings

You can change single post page setting. Go to Appearance > Customize > Blog > Single Post

  • Display post featured content  – This option will display post’s featured image or gallery at the top of single post page.
  • Display post tags  – This option will display post’s tags at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display about author  – This option will display post’s author information at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display related posts – This option will display related posts under main post content.

Post Featured Image

For each post you create you can upload featured images. Theme provides Featured Image Boxes on the bottom right side of the post editing page and this is where you upload your Featured Image.

Create Blog Posts

First thing to create blog content is to create a post post.  Theme has various post options for you display different content on your blog post. Here are the steps to create a blog post.

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Posts > Add New
  2. Enter post title and content. You can use any shortcode or HTML to editing field.
  3. Assign this post to category using categories box on the right side
  4. Add tags to this post. Type tag name in to the field in Tags box on the right side.
  5. Upload post featured image using set featured box on the bottom right side. All pages will use this image for post preview image and thumbnail.
  6. Once you finish, click Publish.

Post Options

  • Post Layout – Select single post page layout between fullwidth and with right sidebar.
  • Make main menu transparent – Check this option to make main menu on this single post page transparent.
  • Video Embed Code – Insert video embed code which you want to display at the top of this post.

Single Post Settings

You can change single post page setting. Go to Appearance > Customize > Blog > Single Post

  • Display post featured content  – This option will display post’s featured image or gallery at the top of single post page.
  • Display post tags  – This option will display post’s tags at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display about author  – This option will display post’s author information at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display related posts – This option will display related posts under main post content.

Post Featured Image

For each post you create you can upload featured images. Theme provides Featured Image Boxes on the bottom right side of the post editing page and this is where you upload your Featured Image.