Since 1 July 2020. Instagram shutdown its legacy API so you old Instagram Access Token setting couldn’t update new Instagram feed anymore.
Please follow below steps to authorize and activate Instagram photostream.
1. Open WordPress Dashboard > Plugins and install new plugin name “Meks Easy Photo Feed Widget” Once you activated the plugin. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Settings.> Meks Instagram Settings.

2. Once you activated the plugin. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Settings.> Meks Instagram Settings. You will get below setting page.
3. Click on “Authorize with Instagram” button. You will a popup stated “Are you connecting a Personal or Business Instagram Profile?”. Select “Personal” option then click “Connect”.
4. Next you will see an authorization popup ask you to access your Instagram media.

Click “Authorize” button.
5. You should be able to display your Instagram photostream correctly. If you still continue having the issue. Please submit your question on our support website. Please also add a link to your site as well as the login credentials when opening the ticket, so we can take a look at your site.