Create a Tour Post using Elementor

First thing to create tour content is to create a post post.  Theme has various post options for you display different content on your tour post. Here are the steps to create a tour post.

Please navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Tours > Add New Tour. Then enter its title and click “Edit with Elementor” option.

Now you will open Elementor page builder editor. You can customise a single tour contents using columns, image, navigation menu using Elementor widgets.

Import Demo Single Tour Template

When you edit the tour post using Elementor. You can import demo a single tour template by clicking on template button.

It will open a popup box. Click on “Blocks” tab and filter only “Theme Navigation” option. Then select header you want to import by clicking “Insert” button.

Elementor will ask to connect Elementor to your website. You have to create Elementor account and connect it to your website within this process (If you have already connected to Elementor. You can skip this step).

Once it’s imported successfully. You can customize a single tour columns, contents including text, image, video etc.

How to set basic tour booking using appointment booking plugin

What’s different between tour creator options using “Elementor” and “Default” one?

With Grand Tour version 5.5+. Our theme has integrated with Elementor page builder which allow to customise each elements using drag&drop functionalities so you have more flexibilities customising a single tour page.

However some customers might not understand the different options for designing a single tour page using Elementor and default method. So we put all together these nature of using 2 methods to build your site’s a single tour page.

Setting up a single tour page using default layout

  • Default way to displays a single tour information when you created a tour post
  • Easy to setup. You can upload tour featured image, title and tour description then it should be working and ready to use.
  • Limited flexibility. It’s fixed predesigned layout from theme core code which you can’t customise each content blocks easily without editing core theme code.
  • Customise tour information using WordPress custom post type UI.

Setting up a single tour page using Elementor

  • Provide unlimited flexibility. You can use drag&drop functionality to create columns, elements for your single tour page.
  • Customise tour title, description and images etc through Elementor widget.

Create a Tour Post

First thing to create tour content is to create a post post.  Theme has various post options for you display different content on your tour post. Here are the steps to create a tour post.

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Tours > Add New

Enter tour title and content. You can use any shortcode or HTML to editing field.

Assign this tour to category using tour categories box on the right side. Add tags to this post.

Upload tour featured image using set featured box on the bottom right side. All pages will use this image for post preview image and thumbnail.

Once you finish, click Update.

Post Options

  • Number of Day(s) – Enter number of days for this tour
  • Number of Hours(s) (Optional) – Enter number of hours for this tour. This option is only available when you enter 1 for number of day field.
  • Available Days(s) – Select which day(s) this tour will be available. You can select multiple days. This option is only available when you enter 1 for number of day field.
  • Minimum Age(s) – Enter number of minimum age(s) for this tour
  • Tour Month(s) – Select which month(s) this tour will be available. You can select multiple months.
  • Availability – Enter number of availability for this tour
  • Price – Enter price for this tour
  • Discount Price (Optional) – Enter discount price for this tour
  • Label (Optional) – Enter label for this tour. For example Sale
  • Booking Method – Select booking option for this tour. We will cover detail of each booking method later in this article.
  • Departure – Enter departure location for this tour
  • Departure Time – Enter departure time for this tour
  • Return Time – Enter departure time for this tour
  • Included – Enter what’s included in this tour
  • Not Included – Enter what’s not included in this tour
  • Map Address (Optional) – Enter tour address for Google Maps for example London
  • Gallery (Optional) – Select sample image gallery for this tour
  • Tour Video Preview (Optional) – Enter video preview embed HTML code for this tour. For example you can enter embed code from Youtube, Vimeo video here
  • Header Content Type – Select header content type for this tour. Different content type will be displayed on single tour page
  • Single Tour Page Layout – Enter layout for this tour

Setup Single Day Tour

By default, tour options are built for multiple days tour. You can enable single day tour option by enter 1 value for Number of Day(s) field.

Then Number of Hours(s) and Available Days(s) fields will appear.

Change Tour Map Marker

By default, theme will use red map marker image for tour’s map. However you can upload your own marker image using Appearance > Customize > Tour > Single Tour Page > Map Marker.

Booking using Contact Form 7 Plugin

This method will using custom contact form created byContact Form 7 plugin. So when your customer complete booking form. It will send email to your setup email address in Contact Form 7 setting page.

Then you just select contact form your created using Contact Form 7 plugin in tour option and save change changes.

Booking using Woocommerce product

This method will using Woocommerce product. So when your customer complete booking form. It will add selected product to cart and your customer can checkout and pay using online payment options from Woocommerce.

First you have to create a product for this tour via WordPress Dashboard > Products > Add Product. Enter product informations including price option.

Now when you edit tour item, look at tour options > booking method. Select “Woocommerce” and you will see “Woocommerce Product option. Select product your just created and save changes.

So when you are on tour page. You will booking button and once your customer click it. It will add this product to cart and ready to checkout with online payment option.

Setup Variable Pricing using WooCommerce

First you have to create variations for example adult, child, infant using Woocommerce Attributes option.

Please make sure you install and activate Woocommerce plugin first. From WordPress Dashboard >Products > Attributes. Use “Add new attribute” form to create for example “Age” attribute.

Click “Add Attribute” button and you will see it on the table here.

Open Age attribute page and use “Add new Age” form to create multiple attributes ex. adult, child, infant.

Click “Add new” button and you will see it on the table here.

Now you have 3 product attributes adult, child and infant. Next step is to create product for tour post. From WordPress Dashboard >Products >Add Product. You will have a new product form. Enter product title, short description and upload its featured image then save change.

Next look at “Product data” table, select “Variable product” and select “Attributes” tab.

Then click add button and expand its option. Please make sure you do following.

  1. Check “Used for variations” option.
  2. Click “Select all” button.
  3. Then save changes by clicking “Save attributes” button.

Next click “Variations” tab and add variations you want for this product. For example I added 3 variations adult, child and infant.

Click on each variation row to expand its option and make sure you enter its price and save changes.

Now you have product with variable pricing for tour. Next from WordPress Dashboard > Tours and select which tour you want to link to this product pricing.

Look at tour options, select Booking method as “Woocommerce” and select Woocommerce Product option to one you just created. then save changes.

On live single tour page, you will see this variable pricing options for tour booking.

Booking using external URL

This method will use custom URL. So when your customer complete booking form. It will redirect your customer to entered URL page.

Booking using custom HTML & Shortcode

This method will use custom HTML or Shortcode you entered to “Booking HTML & Shortcode” field.

Tour Excerpt

You can also enter short description about your tour using its excerpt field.

Tour Tags

You can also enter tour tags and tags will be used to selected similar tours items on each single tour page.

Tour Views

If you want to enable this tour view counter option. Just install Post View Counter plugin and it will works automatically.

Display Number of Travelers are online

If you want to enable this tour view counter option. Just install WP User Online plugin and it will works automatically.

You can also customise wording of online users using plugin’s settings in Settings > UserOnline

Single Tour Sidebar

You can also add widgets for example contact informations to “Single Tour Sidebar” via Appearance > Widgets.

Organise tours by Tour Categories

If you want to categorized tour items by categories ex. Europe, Asia etc. You can do that easily.

  1. Open WordPress Dashboard > Tours > Tour Categories You will see list of for example tour you have.
  2. If you don’t have any, please create one first so you can assign tour items to it.
  3. Now back to edit tour page. Look at “tour categories” box and you will see list of your current tour categories. Check one you want to assign this portfolio to and save changes.

How to add tour category page

Basically when you create tour categories. WordPress automatically added these pages for you. You just have to find the url of it or add it to main menu. Open Appearance > Menus and select for example “Tour Categories” you want to add to main menu.

But if you couldn’t see this option. Click “Screen Options” at the top right of edit menu page and check “Tour Categories” options.

How to change tour category page template

You can change tour category page layout setting using Tours > Tour Categories. Click on category you want to edit and select “Tour Category Page Template”.

Single Tour Page Settings

You can change single post page settings. Go to Appearance > Customize > Tour > Single Tour Page

  • Display tour header content – This option will displays featured tour content on the top of tour page.
  • DisplayTour Review – This option will enable review options for tour so your customers can leave review on each tour.
  • Display Tour Sharing – This option will displays sharing button under tour booking form.
  • Display Related Tours -This option will displays  similar tour items at bottom of tour page. It will use tour tags to find similar tour items.