Create a Gallery Post

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Galleries > Add New Gallery

Enter gallery title and you can add images to this gallery. From gallery admin page. Click on “Upload Image”.

Then select images you want to upload to this gallery. Once you finish upload each image. It will automatically attach to this gallery. You can also change image caption and description by clicking image from this page. If you want to change order of images within gallery. You can easily drag&drop image next to each one. Once you finish dragging, click “Update” to save changes.

Customise gallery page using Elementor

From gallery editing page. Please find “Edit with Elementor” button under gallery title. Click the button.

You will open a Elementor page builder. On the left sidebar. On the left sidebar search option. Search for “Gallery” widget and drag one of theme gallery widget “Grid Gallery” to the right content area.

It will automatically displays the gallery widget content with images within gallery.

Add gallery widget to a page using Elementor

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Pages > Add New and enter page title.

Click “Edit with Elementor” button to open Elementor Page Builder.

You will open a Elementor page builder. On the left sidebar.

To add gallery widget. Click on search bar on the left sidebar widget box. Then type “Gallery” it will shows all gallery widgets.  You can drag widget you want to add to the main content area on right side.

Create a Team Member Post

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Team Members > Add New Team Member

Enter team member title and you can add its description to its content using WordPress visual editor.

Then select images you want to upload as team member for this post. Once you finish upload it will automatically attach to this post and click “Update” to save changes.

Team Member Options

  • Position and Role – Enter team member position and role ex. Marketing Manager
  • Facebook URL – Enter team member Facebook URL
  • Twitter URL – Enter team member Twitter URL
  • Linkedin URL– Enter team member Linkedin URL

Organise Team Member by Categories

If you want to categorise team member items by categories.  You can do that easily.

  1. Open WordPress Dashboard > Team Members > Team Categories. You will see list of for team categories you have.
  2. If you don’t have any, please create one first so you can assign items to it.
  3. Now back to edit menu page. Look at “Team Categories” box and you will see list of your current team categories. Check one you want to assign to this item and save changes.

Create a team members page using Elementor

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Pages > Add New and enter page title.

Click “Edit with Elementor” button to open Elementor Page Builder.

You will open a Elementor page builder. On the left sidebar.

To add team member widget. Click on search bar on the left sidebar widget box. Then type “Team” it will shows all testimonial widgets.  You can drag widget you want to add to the main content area on right side.

Create a Testimonial Post

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Testimonials > Add New Testimonial

Enter testimonial title and you can add its testimonial quote to its content using WordPress visual editor.

Then select images you want to upload as testimonial author for this post. Once you finish upload it will automatically attach to this post and click “Update” to save changes.

Testimonial Options

  • Customer Name – Enter customer name
  • Customer Position – Enter customer position in company
  • Company Name – Enter customer company name
  • Company Website URL – Enter customer company website URL

Organise Testimonial by Categories

If you want to categorise Testimonial items by categories.  You can do that easily.

  1. Open WordPress Dashboard > Testimonials > Testimonial Categories. You will see list of for menu categories you have.
  2. If you don’t have any, please create one first so you can assign items to it.
  3. Now back to edit menu page. Look at “Testimonial Categories” box and you will see list of your current menu categories. Check one you want to assign to this item and save changes.

Create a testimonial page using Elementor

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Pages > Add New and enter page title.

Click “Edit with Elementor” button to open Elementor Page Builder.

You will open a Elementor page builder. On the left sidebar.

To add testimonial widget. Click on search bar on the left sidebar widget box. Then type “Testimonial” it will shows all testimonial widgets.  You can drag widget you want to add to the main content area on right side.

Create a Food Menu Post

First please login to your WordPress Dashboard. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Menus > Add New Menu

Enter food menu title, excerpt and you can add its nutrition detail to its content using WordPress visual editor.

Then select images you want to upload as featured image for this food menu. Once you finish upload it will automatically attach to this post and click “Update” to save changes.

Menu Options

  • Price – Enter menu price in number only.
  • Price Currency – Enter menu price currency for example $
  • Highlight this menu – Check this option to highlight this menu in menu page templates.
  • Order URL – Enter URL to order this menu for example you can enter WooCommerce product page.
  • Size (optional) – You can create size options for this menu. For example small, medium and large then set price for each price separately.

Organise Menus by Categories

If you want to categorise menu items by categories.  You can do that easily.

  1. Open WordPress Dashboard > Menus > Menu Categories. You will see list of for menu categories you have.
  2. If you don’t have any, please create one first so you can assign project items to it. For example create “Starters” sectors.
  3. Now back to edit menu page. Look at “Menu Categories” box and you will see list of your current menu categories. Check one you want to assign to item to and save changes.

Create a food menu page using Elementor

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Pages > Add New and enter page title.

Click “Edit with Elementor” button to open Elementor Page Builder.

You will open a Elementor page builder. On the left sidebar.

To add food menu widget. Click on search bar on the left sidebar widget box. Then type “Food” it will shows all food menu widgets.  You can drag widget you want to add to the main content area on right side.

Create a Gallery Post

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Galleries > Add New Gallery

Enter gallery title and you can add images to this gallery. From gallery admin page. Click on “Upload Image”.

Then select images you want to upload to this gallery. Once you finish upload each image. It will automatically attach to this gallery. You can also change image caption and description by clicking image from this page. If you want to change order of images within gallery. You can easily drag&drop image next to each one. Once you finish dragging, click “Update” to save changes.

Create a gallery page using Elementor

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Pages > Add New and enter page title.

Click “Edit with Elementor” button to open Elementor Page Builder.

You will open a Elementor page builder. On the left sidebar.

To add gallery widget. Click on search bar on the left sidebar widget box. Then type “Gallery” it will shows all gallery widgets.  You can drag widget you want to add to the main content area on right side.

Create a Blog Post

First thing to create blog content is to create a post post.  Theme has various post options for you display different content on your blog post. Here are the steps to create a blog post.

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Posts > Add New

Enter post title and content. You can use any shortcode or HTML to editing field.

Assign this post to category using categories box on the right side. Add tags to this post. Type tag name in to the field in Tags box on the right side.

Upload post featured image using set featured box on the bottom right side. All pages will use this image for post preview image and thumbnail.

Once you finish, click Update.

Post Options

  • Post Layout – Select single post page layout between fullwidth and with right sidebar.
  • Featured Content Type  – Select post main feature content type ex. image.

Single Post Settings

You can change single post page setting. Go to Appearance > Customize > Blog > Single Post

  • Display post featured content  – This option will display post’s featured image or gallery at the top of single post page.
  • Display post tags  – This option will display post’s tags at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display about author  – This option will display post’s author information at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display related posts – This option will display related posts under main post content.

Post Featured Image

For each post you create you can upload featured images. Theme provides Featured Image Boxes on the bottom right side of the post editing page and this is where you upload your Featured Image.

Post Featured Image Dimensions

Featured Image Dimensions

You can change ‘Featured Image Dimensions’ options (Image width and height) from Appearance > Customize > Blog > Images > Blog Featured Image Dimension Settings. Values are set in pixels.

After changing these settings you may need to regenerate your thumbnails

Create Blog Posts

First thing to create blog content is to create a post post.  Theme has various post options for you display different content on your blog post. Here are the steps to create a blog post.

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Posts > Add New
  2. Enter post title and content. You can use any shortcode or HTML to editing field.
  3. Assign this post to category using categories box on the right side
  4. Add tags to this post. Type tag name in to the field in Tags box on the right side.
  5. Upload post featured image using set featured box on the bottom right side. All pages will use this image for post preview image and thumbnail.
  6. Once you finish, click Publish.

Post Options

  • Post Layout – Select single post page layout between fullwidth and with right sidebar.
  • Transparent Header – Check this option to make header on this single post page transparent.
  • Hide Featured Image – Check this option if you want to hide post’s featured image.

Single Post Settings

You can change single post page setting. Go to Appearance > Customize > Blog > Single Post

  • Display post featured content  – This option will display post’s featured image or gallery at the top of single post page.
  • Display post tags  – This option will display post’s tags at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display about author  – This option will display post’s author information at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display related posts – This option will display related posts under main post content.

Post Featured Image

For each post you create you can upload featured images. Theme provides Featured Image Boxes on the bottom right side of the post editing page and this is where you upload your Featured Image.

Post Featured Image Dimensions

Featured Image Dimensions

You can change ‘Featured Image Dimensions’ options (Image width and height) from Appearance > Theme Setting > Images > Blog Featured Image Dimension Settings. Values are set in pixels.

After changing these settings you may need to regenerate your thumbnails

Create Blog Posts

First thing to create blog content is to create a post post.  Theme has various post options for you display different content on your blog post. Here are the steps to create a blog post.

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Posts > Add New
  2. Enter post title and content. You can use any shortcode or HTML to editing field.
  3. Assign this post to category using categories box on the right side
  4. Add tags to this post. Type tag name in to the field in Tags box on the right side.
  5. Upload post featured image using set featured box on the bottom right side. All pages will use this image for post preview image and thumbnail.
  6. Once you finish, click Publish.

Post Options

  • Post Layout – Select single post page layout between fullwidth and with right sidebar.
  • Transparent Header – Check this option to make header on this single post page transparent.
  • Hide Featured Image – Check this option if you want to hide post’s featured image.

Single Post Settings

You can change single post page setting. Go to Appearance > Customize > Blog > Single Post

  • Display post featured content  – This option will display post’s featured image or gallery at the top of single post page.
  • Display post tags  – This option will display post’s tags at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display about author  – This option will display post’s author information at the bottom of single post page.
  • Display related posts – This option will display related posts under main post content.

Post Featured Image

For each post you create you can upload featured images. Theme provides Featured Image Boxes on the bottom right side of the post editing page and this is where you upload your Featured Image.