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  5. Theme Changelog

Theme Changelog

= V2.8.1 – 18.06.2024 =
* Fix demo import issue

= V2.8 – 30.05.2024 =
* Fix portfolio vertical timeline issue with Elementor 3.22.0
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.11

= V2.7.9 – 13.09.2023 =
* Fix missing widgets in Elementor v3.16.1
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.10
* Fix parallax background issue in Elementor v3.16.1
* Add new Extended Google Map for Elementor plugin

= V2.7.8 – 03.05.2023 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.8
* Fix scrolling issue on touch devices
* Fix blog post widget display issue when no category filter selected

= V2.7.7 – 19.02.2023 =
* Fix Elementor import template issue

= V2.7.6 – 11.11.2022 =
* Improve purchase code registration process
* Fix post grid, masonry widgets disable animation issue

= V2.7.5 – 19.08.2022 =
* Improve theme loading speed & performance
* Add an option to link to mobile side menu to Elementor options

= V2.7.4 – 18.07.2022 =
* Fix Elementor edit templates issue
* Fix blog widget excerpt text issue

= V2.7.3 – 23.06.2022 =
* Fix purchase code unregistered issue

= V2.7.2 – 31.05.2022 =
* Fix PHP warning on WordPress 6.0
* Fix mobile sticky menu padding top

= V2.7.1 – 26.04.2022 =
* Fix license validation process issue

= V2.7 – 26.04.2022 =
* Fix depreciated functions on Elementor 3.6.4

= V2.6.2 – 17.04.2022 =
* Fix GD library function issue for some customers
* Fix all noticed errors on PHP8
* Improve theme’s templates loading speed on Elementor templates

= V2.6.1 – 24.02.2022 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.7
* Fix PHP error relate to Elementor templates for some customers

= V2.6 – 05.02.2022 =
* Fix template library issue with Elementor 3.5
* Fix Elementor Pro footer editor conflict issue

= V2.5 – 03.01.2022 =
* Fix JSON errors for some customers
* Fix main menu invisible link issue when scrolling

= V2.4.2 – 29.10.2021 =
* Fix WooCommerce add to cart issue
* Fix mobile scrolling issue
* Fix blog excerpt text cut off . from its contents

= V2.4.1 – 04.09.2021 =
* Fix input typing display issue when using on iPhone

= V2.4 – 13.05.2021 =
* Change to the new product registration system

= V2.3.5 – 23.04.2021 =
* Fix demo template importer issue with Elementor 3.2.1

= V2.3.4 – 31.03.2021 =
* Fix javascript error from v2.3.3 update

= V2.3.3 * 21.03.2021 =
* Fix horizontal slider & gallery widget display issue in Elementor editor
* Fix horizontal slider & gallery widget auto play timer issue
* Fix one page mobile menu issue for some customers
* Fix parent mobile menu item refresh when clicked

= V2.3.1 – 25.02.2021 =
* Fix portfolio timeline vertical label field editing issue

= V2.3 – 09.02.2021 =
* Fix all slider & portfolio widgets issue with Elementor 3.1.1

= V2.2 – 15.01.2021 =
* Fix mobile menu link issue from the last update
* Fix entrance animation issue on Firefox

= V2.1 – 02.01.2021 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.6
* Fix mobile menu which has children items refresh when clicked
* Fix child theme CSS stylesheet not working

= V2.0 – 03.11.2020 =
* Add WYSIWYG editor support for animated slider description field
* Fix search suggestion results clickable issue
* Fix child theme style.css file is not usable
* Fix post date option issue on single post page
* Fix menu item’s link target issue
* Fix portfolio widgets grid display issue for large amount of portfolio items
* Fix portfolio duplicated filterable option issue

= V1.9.1 – 16.10.2020 =
* Fix theme customiser color picker error on WordPress 5.5.1

= V1.9 – 12.09.2020 =
* Fix one page link issue on mobile side menu
* Fix sticky menu option not working on mobile

= V1.8.3 – 07.09.2020 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.5
* Make hide title option works automatically on Elementor 3.0

= V1.8.2 – 28.08.2020 =
* Fix mega menu hover state issue with Safari browser

= V1.8.1 – 24.08.2020 =
* Fix portfolio coverflow link issue

= V1.8 – 13.08.2020 =
* Fix theme customiser colorpicker input issue with WordPress 5.5

= V1.7 – 01.08.2020 =
* Add new pricing table widget

= V1.6.1 – 16.07.2020 =
* Fix mobile & tablet menu refreshing page

= V1.6 – 06.07.2020 =
* Add automatically Woocommerce related pages setup after importing demo
* Fix search autocomplete only display post type issue
* Fix footer border color conflict with copyright border color in theme customizer

= V1.5 – 06.06.2020 =
* Add gallery grid, justified, masonry widget Lightbox content option “Title and description”
* Fix horizontal slider’s autoplay timer issue
* Fix single product header display issue when add product gallery & featured image

= V1.4 – 24.04.2020 =
* Fix active accordion title color issue
* Fix fullscreen search widget issue on touch screen devices
* Improve experience when viewing on touch screen devices

= V1.3 – 05.04.2020 =
* Fix search form issue on mobile touch devices
* Fix plugin installation error “invalid header” for some customers
* Fix parallax slider image display issue on mobile devices

= V1.2 – 25.02.2020 =
* Fix portfolio timeline vertical widget issue

= V1.1 – 07.02.2020 =
* Fix display issue for blog left sidebar page template
* Fix portfolio widgets filterable issue

= V1.0 – 09.12.2019 =
* Initial Release
