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  5. Storing Translation Files

Storing Translation Files

Included Theme Translation File

By default storing inside theme folder. The theme language file is wp-content/themes/starto/languages/starto.pot you can create your translation file base on this one.

Storing Theme Translation Files

Place your theme translation files inside wp-content/languages/themes folder. If you don’t have the languages and themes folder, simply create the languages folder, and the themes folder inside it.

You must include the theme name, as well. For example, if the language files are in the Italian language, the file names would be starto-it_IT.mo and starto-it_IT.po.

Included Plugin Translation File

By default storing inside plugin folder. The plugin language file is wp-content/plugins/starto-elementor/languages/starto-elementor-en_US.pot you can create your translation file base on this one.

Storing Plugin Translation Files

Place your plugin translation files inside wp-content/languages/plugins folder. If you don’t have the languages and themes folder, simply create the languages folder, and the themes folder inside it.

You must include the plugin name, as well. For example, if the language files are in the Italian language, the file names would be starto-elementor-it_IT.mo and starto-elementor-it_IT.po.
