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Theme Changelog

= V3.9 – 27.07.2024 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v2.0.0
* Update Square Payments for Appointment Booking plugin v1.0.1

= V3.8.10 – 18.06.2024 =
* Fix demo import issue

= V3.8.9 – 08.06.2024 =
* Fix portfolio vertical timeline navigation issue
* Add a new Appointment Booking Checkout Fields plugin

= V3.8.8 – 25.05.2024 =
* Fix portfolio vertical timeline issue with Elementor 3.22.0

= V3.8.7 – 14.05.2024 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.23.0

= V3.8.6 – 17.03.2024 =
* Fix Google webfont loading issue
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.11
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.22.0

= V3.8.5 – 12.12.2023 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.21.1
* Add FAQ section to theme settings

= V3.8.4 – 28.11.2023 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.21.0

= V3.8.3 – 18.10.2023 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.19.2

= V3.8.2 – 06.10.2023 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.19.1
* Fix background list widget responsive display issue

= V3.8.1 – 13.09.2023 =
* Fix missing widgets in Elementor v3.16.1
* Fix parallax background issue in Elementor v3.16.1
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.19
* Add Square Payments for Appointment Booking plugin
* Add Extended Google Map for Elementor plugin

= V3.8 – 29.06.2023 =
* Re design all new main demo templates
* Add Appointment Booking plugin
* Add Appointment Booking WooCommerce Payments plugin
* Add Appointment Booking Twilio SMS plugin
* Add Google Analytics for Appointment Booking plugin

= V3.7.12 – 28.04.2023 =
* Fix animated slider content padding setting issue responsively

= V3.7.11 – 25.04.2023 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.8
* Fix multiple slider widgets issue on the same page

= V3.7.10 – 18.02.2023 =
* Fix Elementor import template issue

= V3.7.9 – 12.11.2022 =
* Improve purchase code registration process
* Fix animated slider widget fontawsome icon issue (old version)
* Fix portfolio timeline vertical content editing issue

= V3.7.8 – 19.08.2022 =
* Improve theme loading speed & performance

= V3.7.7 – 18.07.2022 =
* Fix Elementor edit templates issue
* Fix blog widget excerpt text issue

= V3.7.6 – 23.06.2022 =
* Fix purchase code unregistered issue

= V3.7.5 – 31.05.2022 =
* Fix PHP warning on WordPress 6.0

= V3.7.4 – 03.05.2022 =
* Fix depreciated Elementor functions

= V3.7.3 – 30.04.2022 =
* Fix license validation process issue
* Fix WordPress dashboard footer display issue

= V3.7.2 – 17.04.2022 =
* Fix GD library function issue for some customers
* Fix all noticed errors on PHP8
* Fix extended Elementor map plugin issue with Elementor 3.6+

= V3.7.1 – 24.02.2022 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.7
* Fix PHP error relate to Elementor templates for some customers

= V3.7 – 05.02.2022 =
* Fix template library issue with Elementor 3.5
* Fix Elementor Pro footer editor conflict issue
* Fix slider horizontal image display issue

= V3.6.1 – 03.01.2022 =
* Add an option to disable theme default Lightbox script
* Fix JSON errors for some customers
* Tested and add PHP8 compatibility

= V3.6 – 02.11.2021 =
* Fix WooCommerce product gallery navigation issue
* Fix input text field on iOS devices
* Fix theme customize display in bold typography issue
* Fix mobile devices scrolling issue
* Fix Elementor backend content width issue
* Change Elementor template source to HTTPS

= V3.5.2 – 29.08.2021 =
* Fix portfolio layouts issue for some customers

= V3.5.1 – 11.05.2021 =
* Fix theme import demo issue for some customer which has limited resolving timeout setting

= V3.5 – 09.05.2021 =
* Change to the new product registration system
* Fix multiple Portfolio Timeline Vertical Malfunctioning widgets issue
* Fix portfolio widgets open in the new window issue

= V3.4.6 – 23.04.2021 =
* Fix demo template importer issue with Elementor 3.2.1

= V3.4.5 – 22.04.2021 =
* Fix horizontal slider & gallery widget auto play timer issue

= V3.4.4 – 21.03.2021 =
* Fix horizontal slider & gallery widget display issue in Elementor editor
* Fix horizontal slider & gallery widget auto play timer issue
* Fix parent mobile menu item refresh when clicked

= V3.4.3 – 26.02.2021 =
* Fix theme Elementor’s widgets sub title field customize issue

= V3.4.2 – 25.02.2021 =
* Fix portfolio timeline vertical label field editing issue

= V3.4.1 – 11.02.2021 =
* Fix slider & gallery horizontal widget backend loading issue

= V3.4 – 07.02.2021 =
* Fix all slider & portfolio widgets issue with Elementor 3.1.1

= V3.3.1 – 17.01.2021 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.6
* Fix child theme custom stylsheet issue
* Fix entrance animations issue on Firefox
* Add support PHP7.4

= V3.3 – 03.11.2020 =
* Fix menu item’s link target issue
* Fix portfolio widgets grid display issue for large amount of portfolio items
* Fix portfolio duplicated filterable option issue
* Fix child theme style.css file is not usable

= V3.2 – 12.08.2020 =
* Add new demo 2020 design collection
* Add mega menu support for Elementor
* Add background changing on scroll option
* Add animation options & widgets
* Add testimonial carousel widget
* Add parallax background option

= V3.1 – 07.08.2020 =
* Make hide title option works automatically on Elementor 3.0

= V3.0.1 – 13.08.2020 =
* Fix theme customiser colorpicker input issue with WordPress 5.5

= V3.0 – 12.08.2020 =
* Fix javascript error with WordPress 5.5
* Add support for WordPress 5.5

= V2.9 – 05.08.2020 =
* Add automatically setup WooCommerce related pages setup after importing demo
* Fix PHP warning message on blog fullwidth template

= V2.8 – 07.06.2020 =
* Remove import demo link from appearance options for better UX

= V2.7 – 24.02.2020 =
* Fix portfolio timeline vertical widget issue

= V2.6 – 13.11.2019 =
* Add multiple tags support for portfolio widgets
* Update Envato Market plugin
* Fix custom font uploader issue
* Fix portfolio timeline vertical displays null issue
* Fix Elementor footer issue with WPML

= V2.5 – 12.08.2019 =
* Add fail import demo contents notice and workaround

= V2.4 – 31.07.2019 =
* Add option to adjust timeline spacing for horizontal timeline widget
* Fix distortion grid display issue on iPad/iPad Pro

= V2.3 – 07.07.2019 =
* Fix tilt hover effect display issue in Safari browser

= V2.2 – 01.04.2019 =
* Fix one page site issue with mobile menu
* Fix portfolio filterable option issue when using UTF-8 languages characters
* Fix horizontal gallery, autoplay timer is not working

= V2.1 – 07.03.2019 =
* Fix vertical-parallax slider scrolling issue when logged out
* Fix uploaded font issue for some customers
* Improve demo importer reliability

= V2.0 – 19.02.2019 =
* Add support Polylang plugin to footer post type
* Fix portfolio timeline vertical background overlay issue
* Fix blog excerpt cut off letter “s”
* Fix custom font issue when using theme customizer
* Fix portfolio filterable issue when tag has space or using non-latin languages

= V1.9 – 23.01.2019 =
* Fix mobile close menu button clickable issue
* Add HTML code support for vertical parallax slider description option

= V1.8 – 08.12.2018 =
* Fix issue import theme’s page templates using Elementor v2.3.4 or higher
* Add support WordPress v5.0

= V1.7 – 21.11.2018 =
* Fix issue import theme’s page templates using Elementor v2.2.8 or higher

= V1.6 – 13.11.2018 =
* Fix flip slider issue on touch devices
* Fix clip path slider issue on touch devices
* Fix subscriber reply comment script error
* Fix filterable option issue when using other languages than English for portfolio tags

= V1.5 – 30.10.2018 =
* Fix slider image carousel navigation_bg_color option issue
* Fix scrolling issue on iPhone & iPad
* Fix security risk related to all admin functionality

= V1.4 – 23.10.2018 =
* Fix gallery slider widgets javascript issue
* Fix horizontal timeline widget subtitle font size label is incorrect
* Fix disable footer reveal option not working issue

= V1.3 – 14.10.2018 =
* Fix portfolio widgets spacing option not working
* Fix portfolio filter issue when portfolio tag has spacing
* Fix slider motion reveal widget has duplicated title_font_size option name

= V1.2 – 02.10.2018 =
* Fix post options disappear issue
* Fix default logo transparen option issue
* Fix user default logged in homepage issue

= V1.1 – 16.09.2018 =
* Fix the_content related error when create footer content with Elementor
* Fix show categories options not working in blog list pages Elementor widget’

= V1.0 – 03.09.2018 =
* Initial Release
