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  5. Theme Changelog

Theme Changelog

= V2.1 – 27.07.2024 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v2.0.0
* Update Square Payments for Appointment Booking plugin v1.0.1

= V2.0.2 – 18.06.2024 =
* Add a new Appointment Booking Checkout Fields plugin
* Fix demo import issue

= V2.0.1 – 27.04.2024 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.23.0

= V2.0 – 15.03.2024 =
* Add 3 new demos
* Add gallery proofing activity logs option
* Add appointment booking plugin and add-ons
* Add video tutorials section

= V1.7.15 – 24.12.2023 =
* Add FAQ section to theme settings

= V1.7.14 – 17.10.2023 =
* Fix font file upload issue

= V1.7.13 – 13.09.2023 =
* Fix missing widgets in Elementor v3.16.1
* Fix parallax background issue in Elementor v3.16.1

= V1.7.12 – 23.08.2023 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.10
* Fix single course template styling issue with LearnPress plugin

= V1.7.11 – 29.07.2023 =
* Add close fullscreen menu option to Elementor widget
* Fix multiple horizontal slider widgets on the same page display issue
* Fix portfolio grid widget display duplicated contents

= V1.7.10 – 23.05.2023 =
* Add webp image format support for image lightbox
* Add thumbnail size options to justified gallery widget
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.8

= V1.7.9 – 19.02.2023 =
* Fix Elementor import template issue

= V1.7.8 – 11.11.2022 =
* Improve purchase code registration process
* Fix gallery horizontal widget’s arrow hidden on mobile

= V1.7.7 – 19.08.2022 =
* Improve theme loading speed & performance

= V1.7.6 – 17.07.2022 =
* Fix Elementor edit templates issue
* Fix blog widget excerpt text issue
* Add an to change link target for portfolio widgets

= V1.7.5 – 23.06.2022 =
* Fix purchase code unregistered issue

= V1.7.4 – 12.06.2022 =
* Fix PHP warning on WordPress 6.0

= V1.7.3 – 01.05.2022 =
* Fix single course layout issue on LearnPress 4.0
* Fix LearnPress 4.0 compatibility issue

= V1.7.2 – 30.04.2022 =
* Fix portfolio password protected layout issue
* Fix license validation process issue

= V1.7.1 – 17.04.2022 =
* Fix all noticed errors on PHP8
* Improve theme’s templates loading speed on Elementor templates

= V1.7 – 15.04.2022 =
* Fix portfolio filterable tag title disappear

= V1.6.2 – 12.03.2022 =
* Fix portfolio widgets filterable display incorrect tags for some customers

= V1.6.1 – 24.02.2022 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.7
* Add web image format support to image lightbox
* Fix PHP error relate to Elementor templates for some customers

= V1.6 – 09.02.2022 =
* Fix template library issue with Elementor 3.5
* Fix Elementor Pro footer editor conflict issue
* Fix single course layout issue from LearnPress 4.0

= V1.5 – 03.01.2022 =
* Fix WooCommerce add to cart display PHP warning messages
* Fix JSON errors for some customers
* Fix gallery proofing issue for some customers.

= V1.4 .1– 15.11.2021 =
* Fix lightbox navigation arrow color display issue

= V1.4 – 03.11.2021 =
* Fix mobile devices scrolling issue
* Fix justified gallery widget display issue
* Fix animated headline backend code issue
* Fix Elementor backend content width issue
* Change Elementor template source to HTTPS

= V1.3 – 18.09.2021 =
* Fix input text and textarea typing issue on iPhone
* Fix mobile menu closing issue
* Fix Elementor depreciated function warning message issue

= V1.2 – 31.07.2021 =
* Fix gallery backend text overflow issue

= V1.1.2 – 11.05.2021 =
* Fix theme import demo issue for some customer which has limited resolving timeout setting

= V1.1.1 – 11.05.2021 =
* Fix theme import demo issue

= V1.1 – 10.05.2021 =
* Change to the new product registration system

= V1.0 – 25.04.2021 =
* Initial Release
