Grand Restaurant

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  5. Theme Changelog

Theme Changelog

= V6.8.10 – 27.07.2024 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v2.0.0

= V6.8.9 – 11.07.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.15
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.24.0
* Update Square Payments for Appointment Booking plugin v1.0.1

= V6.8.8 – 18.06.2024 =
* Add a new Appointment Booking Checkout Fields plugin
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.13
* Fix demo import issue

= V6.8.7 – 30.04.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.7
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.23.0

= V6.8.6 – 17.03.2024 =
* Fix Google webfont loading issue
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.11

= V6.8.5 – 22.02.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.20
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.22.0

= V6.8.4 – 21.01.2024 =
* Add video tutorials

= V6.8.3 – 12.12.2023 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.19
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.21.1
* Add FAQ section to theme settings

= V6.8.2 – 21.11.2023 =
* Fix date input error for some customers.
* Fix error message when first activate the theme

= V6.8.1 – 09.11.2023 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.20.0
* Fix PHP error when number of decimal in currency is empty

= V6.8 – 03.11.2023 =
* Add 3 new demos websites
* Add 2 new menu Elementor widgets
* Improve demo importer stabilities
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.19.2

= V6.7.11 – 06.10.2023 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.19.1
* Fix parallax background produces javascript error for some customers.
* Fix service grid overlap text issue on mobile

= V6.7.10 – 13.09.2023 =
* Fix missing widgets in Elementor v3.16.1
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.16
* Update Appointment booking plugin v1.19
* Fix Elementor cart widget customization issue
* Fix mini cart issue on some customers

= V6.7.9 – 18.08.2023 =
* Fix food menu size not display in food menu widget
* Add Square Payments for Appointment Booking plugin
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.15
* Update Appointment Booking plugin v1.18.1
* Update Appointment Booking WooCommerce Payments plugin v1.1.2
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.10

= V6.7.8 – 17.06.2023 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.14
* Add Google Analytics for Appointment Booking plugin v1.0.0
* Add Appointment Booking Twilio SMS plugin v1.0.0
* Add HTML support for food menu excerpt

= V6.7.7 – 03.04.2023 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.12
* Update Appointment Booking plugin v1.16.0
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.8

= V6.7.6 – 18.02.2023 =
* Fix Elementor import template issue

= V6.7.5 – 31.01.2023 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.10
* Update Appointment Booking plugin v1.15.2

= V6.7.4 – 21.01.2023 =
* Fix custom currency setting for each food menu not working

= V6.7.3 – 31.12.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.8
* Update Appointment Booking plugin v1.15.1

= V6.7.2 – 01.12.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.7
* Update Appointment Booking plugin v1.15.0
* Update Appointment Booking WooCommerce Payments plugin v1.1.1

= V6.7.1 – 13.11.2022 =
* Improve purchase code registration process
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.5

= V6.7 – 19.10.2022 =
* Add 3 new demos fusion food, pizza and clean food
* Add a new premium appointment plugin
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.3

= V6.6 – 19.08.2022 =
* Improve theme loading speed & performance

= V6.5.10 – 13.08.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.31
* Fix non numeric food menu price format display issue
* Fix food menu title display issue on mobile

= V6.5.9 – 16.07.2022 =
* Fix Elementor edit templates issue
* Fix blog post excerpt code conditions issue
* Fix WooCommerce product review form display issue
* Fix WooCommerce product grid layout issue on tablet

= V6.5.8 – 23.06.2022 =
* Fix purchase code unregistered issue
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.25

= V6.5.7 – 30.05.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.24
* Fix PHP warning on WordPress 6.0

= V6.5.6 – 29.04.2022 =
* Fix license validation process issue

= V6.5.5 – 17.04.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.20
* Fix GD library function issue for some customers
* Fix all noticed errors on PHP8
* Fix extended Elementor map plugin issue with Elementor 3.6+

= V6.5.4 – 05.04.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.19
* Fix all depreciated errors in Elementor 3.6.1

= V6.5.3 – 14.03.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.18
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.7
* Fix mobile menu close when clicking
* Fix sticky menu options

= V6.5.2 – 12.02.2022 =
* Fix Elementor templates library error

= V6.5.1 – 10.02.2022 =
* Fix PHP error for some customers with v6.5 update

= V6.5 – 05.02.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.15
* Fix template library issue with Elementor 3.5
* Fix Elementor Pro footer editor conflict issue
* Fix menu transparent issue on multiple WooCommerce pages
* Fix mobile menu not closing when clicked

= V6.4.2 – 03.01.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.12
* Fix JSON errors for some customers

= V6.4.1 – 01.11.2021 =
* Add WooCommerce cart icon widget
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.9
* Fix missing WooCommerce add to cart notice banner
* Fix missing currency on food menu items for some customers
* Fix animated headline backend code issue

= V6.4 – 18.09.2021 =
* Add Elementor test up to version to the plugin
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.8
* Fix input text and textarea typing issue on iOS devices
* Fix  punctuation marks in blog widget’s excerpt display issue
* Fix scrolling issue on iOS devices

= V6.3 – 28.08.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.7
* Fix missing images issue when importing demo sites
* Fix Elementor default gallery lightbox conflict issue

= V6.2.3 – 31.07.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.5
* Fix gallery backend text overflow issue

= V6.2.2 – 13.07.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.4

= V6.2.1 – 20.06.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.2
* Fix content builder demo templates importer issue

= V6.2 – 14.05.2021 =
* Change to the new product registration system
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.4.11
* Fix responsive layout issue on cart & checkout pages

= V6.1.4 – 19.04.2021 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.4.8
  • Fix classic food menu widgets display issue on mobile
  • Fix WooCommerce cart and checkout page display issue on mobile
  • Fix team member widgets filterable issue

= V6.1.3 – 19.03.2021 =

  • Fix demo importer menu items issue for some customers
  • Improve and optimize demo importer options

= V6.1.2 – 18.03.2021 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.4.4
  • Update WooCommerce Extra Product Options plugin v5.0.12.12
  • Fix demo importer returns 500 error for some customers

= V6.1.1 – 05.03.2021 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.4.2
  • Fix PHP error when using default center menu layout

= V6.1 – 23.02.2021 =

  • Add full demo site import option to theme setting

= V6.0.2 – 22.02.2021 =

  • Fix PHP warning message with WooCommerce cart page URL

= V6.0.1 – 17.02.2021 =

  • Fix contact form consent field translation issue
  • Fix PHP warning message from v6.0 update

= V6.0 – 12.02.2021 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.3.9
  • Add 3 new restaurant demos
  • Add new premium plugin “WooCommerce Extra Product Options” to theme package
  • Add Elementor support with theme’s custom widgets
  • Add custom header, footer and mega menu contents Elementor support
  • Add old theme demos using Elementor
  • Improve WooCommerce shop experience

= V5.9.4 – 16.12.2020 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.3.3
  • Fix content builder issue with WordPress 5.6

= V5.9.3 – 24.11.2020 =

  • Optimise theme core javascript code to improve overall page loading speed
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.3.1

= V5.9.2 – 23.11.2020 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.3
  • Fix image description break theme layout for some customers

= V5.9.1 – 16.10.2020 =

  • Fix theme customiser color picker error on WordPress 5.5.1

= V5.9 – 13.10.2020 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.23
  • Add email validation to reservation form
  • Fix Parallax Content With Image widget couldn’t display shortcode

= V5.8.1 – 10.09.2020 =

  • Fix miss aligned elements from v5.8 update

= V5.8 – 09.09.2020 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.22
  • Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.5
  • Add shortcake support for one half parallax element block content
  • Fix parallax scrolling block display issue when scrolling
  • Fix reservation time picker issue

= V5.7.1 – 13.08.2020 =

  • Fix theme customiser’s color picker input issue with WordPress 5.5

= V5.7 – 12.08.2020 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.18
  • Fix content builder saving issue with WordPress 5.5
  • Add support for WordPress 5.5

= V5.6 – 05.08.2020 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.17
  • Add automatically setup WooCommerce pages after importing demo
  • Add an option to display time slot in AM/PM or 24 hours format

= V5.5 – 06.06.2020 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.12
  • Fix food menu title display on mobile

= V5.4 – 27.04.2020 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.2
  • Fix header module duplicate closing div tag issue for some customers
  • Add alt attribute support too all gallery modules

= V5.3 – 07.02.2020 =

  • Fix menu prices decimals option
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.1.8

= V5.2 – 02.12.2019 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.1.5
  • Fix reservation time picker display issue
  • Fix custom currency setting for each food menu item issue
  • Fix WordPress 5.3 error

= V5.1 – 11.10.2019 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.1.3
  • Refine theme main setting and WordPress dashboard experience

= V5.0 – 04.08.2019 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.0
  • Fix theme domain PHP notice message

= V4.9 – 08.05.2019 =

  • Add options to customise food menu currency & pricing display

= V4.8 – 12.03.2019 =

  • Improve demo importer reliability
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.8.3

= V4.7 – 05.02.2019 =

  • Fix responsive layout issue on tablet portrait device
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.8.2

= V4.6 – 21.12.2018 =

  • Add Gutenberg editor compatibility
  • Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.1

= V4.5 – 08.12.2018 =

  • Fix content builder disappear issue with WordPress v5.0
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.8.1

= V4.4 – 13.10.2018 =

  • Fix warning message when using content builder backend in PHP7.2

= V4.3 – 20.07.2018 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.8

= V4.2 – 18.06.2017 =

  • Add GDPR compliant support for theme contact form
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin to v5.4.4

= V4.1 – 18.05.2018 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.7.3
  • Add option to set default currency setting for food menu

= V4.0 – 20.04.2018 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.7.2
  • Fix transparent menu issue on mobile devices
  • Fix menu size display empty currency issue
  • Fix CSS issue in header module
  • Fix grid layout on category page responsive issue

= V3.9.1 – 06.12.2017 =

  • Fix import demo issue on some server setting

= V3.9 – 16.11.2017 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.6.3
  • Fix theme customizer issue in WordPress 4.9
  • Fix theme setting import styling issue in WordPress 4.9

= V3.8 – 24.10.2017 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.6.2
  • Fix time picker background display issue
  • Change reservation time format to AM/PM

= V3.7.3 – 15.09.2017 =

  • Update for all Envato Hosted customers

= V3.7.2 – 11.09.2017 =

  • Add option to change reservation date format

= V3.7.1 – 29.08.2017 =

  • Remove requirement for WordPress importer plugin

= V3.7 – 25.08.2017 =

  • Add new Italian cuisine demo
  • Add start time & end time for reservation
  • Add option change mixed typography header font color
  • Improve import demo including auto Revolution slider

= V3.6 – 28.06.2017 =

  • Improve SEO with alt tags to all content builder images modules
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.5.1
  • Fully test & support WordPress 4.8

= V3.5 – 23.05.2017 =

  • Fix content builder content disappear randomly for some customers
  • Update all content builder page templates to new demo sites

= V3.4 – 24.04.2017 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.3
  • Fix Woocommerce shop page, product font size issue
  • Fix Woocommerce product gallery lightbox issue
  • Fix demo preview URLs incorrect links

= V3.3.1 – 10.04.2017 =

  • Fix content builder issue with Safari browser
  • Update theme documentation URLs

= V3.3 – 04.04.2017 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.1

= V3.2 – 04.03.2017 =

  • Add Yelp social profile
  • Fix revolution slider alignment issue when close side menu on Firefox
  • Fix distance parallax element hiding on large viewport
  • Fix parallax map content cover map on mobile

= V3.1 – 17.12.2016 =

  • Add content field support for food menu classic module
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.3.1.5
  • Fix custom reservation URL issue on side menu reservation button

= V3.0.1 – 01.11.2016 =

  • Fix PHP7 server produces warning error

= V3.0 – 31.10.2016 =

  • Add help tooltip to all content edit pages
  • Add get started and support sections to theme setting
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.3.0.2
  • Fix reservation popup scrolling issue on iOS10
  • Fix nested categories not appeared in content builder options
  • Fix media lightbox shortcode issue
  • Fix customizer Google fonts not loading for some customers

= V2.3.1 – 28.09.2016 =

  • Fix parallax background scrolling issue

= V2.3 – 27.09.2016 =

  • Fix theme setting styling issue on WordPress 4.6+
  • Fix grid/masonry gallery display issue on widescreen devices
  • Fix display issue for content builder menu with image fullwidth module
  • Fix Google Maps fullwidth display issue

= V2.2.4 – 02.09.2016 =

  • Fix issue removing all custom dish size option
  • Fix issue display currency even custom dish size’s price is empty

= V2.2.3 – 29.08.2016 =

  • Fix minor content builder styling display for WordPress 4.6

= V2.2.2 – 16.08.2016 =

  • Fix text content builder’s module visual editor issue for some customer setting

= V2.2.1 – 15.08.2016 =

  • Fix menu size options displays incorrectly to other post type than menus

= V2.2 – 01.08.2016 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.5
  • Add new version of content builder
  • Add live preview mode for content builder
  • Add save as templates support for content builder
  • Add undo/redo support for content builder
  • Add add content after option for content builder
  • Add option to link reservation button to URL instead
  • Add menu size options (ex. small, medium, large) with custom pricing

= V2.1.1 – 29.06.2016 =

  • Fix Google Maps NoAPIKey error from some customer server
  • Update font awesome v4.6.3
  • Update TGM Plugin Activation v2.6.1

= V2.1 – 18.06.2016 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.5.4
  • Fix content builder issue when using visual editor on Firefox
  • Fix unclosed form tag when using opentable module
  • Fix unclosed div tag in 3 images block module

= V2.0 * 25.05.2016 =

  • Add new luxury restaurant demo
  • Add import demo styling option
  • Add options to customise blog post title typography
  • Add MailChimp Newsletter Support
  • Add video header background module to content builder
  • Add multiple food menus module to content builder
  • Add newsletter module to content builder

= V1.9.1 * 13.05.2016 =

  • Fix parallax background image issue on iPad portrait view

= V1.9 * 12.05.2016 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.5.1
  • Update font awesome v4.6.2
  • Update max zoom option for map modules to 18
  • Add preview page to content builder import demo pages
  • Add more demo pages options to content builder
  • Add option to enter order URL for food menu
  • Fix contact captcha path issue
  • Fix custom CSS load last
  • Fix header with background image responsive resizing issue
  • Fix reservation button color issue on mobile
  • Fix content builder editor issue when using non English characters on Firefox
  • Fix custom CSS :before tag not working
  • Fix social profile youtube and linked not displaying when using social profile shortcode

= V1.8.1 – 07.04.2016 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.4
  • Fix https issue on Flickr images widget
  • Fix theme customiser base path issue for some server setting

= V1.8 – 21.03.2016 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.3.5
  • Update theme customizer script for better loading speed & performance
  • Change default visual editor tab when using content builder modules

= V1.7.3 – 04.03.2016 =

  • Add option to change mixed typography font family
  • Add option to click on overlay background to close sidemenu
  • Fix mixed typography font issue when enable CSS compression option

= V1.7.2 – 18.02.2016 =

  • Fix content builder module edit issue from last update

= V1.7.1 – 17.02.2016 =

  • Fix text fullwidth module issue

= V1.7 – 15.02.2016 =

  • Fix drop cap shortcode issue with cyrillic characters
  • Fix image blur on iPad, iPhone in WordPress 4.4+
  • Add preview page to content builder
  • Add preview element to content builder
  • Add duplicate element to content builder
  • Re design content builder UI for better use experience
  • Add auto link to twitter widget
  • Add text fullwidth element to content builder

= V1.6.2 – 22.01.2016 =

  • Fix Google Map zoom option issue
  • Fix one page hashtag default location scrolling issue
  • Fix missing translation “We also sent a copy of reservation email to”
  • Add cc/bcc reservation email options

= V1.6.1 – 15.01.2016 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.1.6
  • Fix pagination issue when set page as static homepage in WordPress 4.4.1

= V1.6 – 01.01.2016 =

  • Fix comment date translation issue
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.1.5

= V1.5.16 – 01.12.2015 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.1.4

= V1.5.15 – 22.11.2015 =

  • Fix one page script issue for some customer settings

= V1.5.14 – 15.11.2015 =

  • Fix reservation popup issue on Safari/iOS

= V1.5.13 – 13.11.2015 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.1.1

= V1.5.12 – 10.11.2015 =

  • Fix search results page layout issue

= V1.5.11 – 01.10.2015 =

  • Fix left menu layout issue on IE browser

= V1.5.10 – 23.09.2015 =

  • Fix Google Map shortcode display issue

= V1.5.9 – 17.09.2015 =

  • Add image caption support for menu grid module
  • Fix reservation form script issue when using child theme
  • Fix footer social profile link issue

= V1.5.8 – 12.09.2015 =

  • Add menu ID to all menu content builder modules
  • Add option to update required plugins from WordPress Dashboard
  • Add option to make food menu price optional
  • Add sample child theme to theme documentation
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.0.8

= V1.5.7 – 07.09.2015 =

  • Fix team member post options issue

= V1.5.6 – 04.09.2015 =

  • Fix all map modules display issue when using with custom map style

= V1.5.5 – 03.09.2015 =

  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.0.6

= V1.5.4 – 27.08.2015 =

  • Fix Facebook and Google+ social profiles issue on footer
  • Fix Facebook sharing issue

= V1.5.3 – 25.08.2015 =

  • Add TripAdvisor social profile option
  • Fix visual editor in content builder issue with WordPress 4.3

= V1.5.2 – 19.08.2015 =

  • Fix widget notice messages in WordPress 4.3
  • Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.0.4.1

= V1.5.1 – 07.08.2015 =

  • Fix logo resizing issue on mobile devices
  • Update revolution slider plugin v5.0.1
  • Update revolution slider plugin documentation

= V1.5 – 05.08.2015 =

  • Add boxed layout
  • Add Bakery demo option
  • Add centre logo & menu layout
  • Fix Google Font error for some customer server setting

= V1.4.3 – 02.08.2015 =

  • Fix gallery display issue when using left align menu layout
  • Fix grand restaurant custom post type translation issue

= V1.4.2 – 31.07.2015 =

  • Fix left menu alignment issue on Firefox
  • Fix mobile menu not visible on touch devices when check option “Hide sidemenu on desktop”

= V1.4.1 – 23.07.2015 =

  • Fix single product page header margin issue
  • Fix single post page header background image margin issue

= V1.4 – 19.07.2015 =

  • Add new left align menu layout option
  • Add new left align demo import option
  • Add reservation form support on mobile

= V1.3 – 15.07.2015 =

  • Add translation files for custom post type plugin
  • Fix parallax scrolling effect issue with the latest version of Chrome/Window

= V1.2 – 06.07.2015 =

  • Fix auto update issue, temporary disable auto update feature due to invite server downtime issue

= V1.1 – 30.06.2015 =

  • Fix long menu excerpt text issue on menu classic layout
  • Fix social media shortcode not displaying all social profiles

= V1.0 – 19.06.2015 =

  • Initial Release