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  5. Theme Changelog

Theme Changelog

= V6.6.8 – 04.07.2024 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v5.0.2

= V6.6.7 – 18.06.2024 =
* Fix demo import issue

= V6.6.6 – 16.06.2024 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v5.0.0
* Update Hotel Booking PDF Invoices v1.4.0
* Update Hotel Booking Notifier v1.3.3

= V6.6.5 – 15.05.2024 =
* Fix Hotel Booking PriceLabs Integration plugin download error

= V6.6.4 – 13.05.2024 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.11.2
* Add new Hotel Booking PriceLabs Integration plugin
* Fix Youtube and Video embed video dimension issue

= V6.6.3 – 30.04.2024 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.11.0

= V6.6.2 – 22.04.2024 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.10.2
* Add separator options to hotel booking currency settings
* Add an option to set excerpt string length to accommodation type
* Add an option to set pricing display to accommodation type/carousel

= V6.6.1 – 01.04.2024 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.10.1
* Fix accommodation carousel auto play issue
* Fix accommodation carousel display guest number instead of adult/child issue
* Add accommodation type post excerpt option

= V6.6 – 17.03.2024 =
* Fix Google webfont loading issue
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.11
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.9.1
* Update Hotel Booking Payment Request plugin v2.0.0
* Update Hotel Booking Multi-Currency plugin v1.2.6

= V6.5.10- 01.03.2020 =
* Update Hotel Booking Payment Request plugin v1.2.0

= v6.5.9 – 18.01.2024 =
* Update theme settings options
* Add video tutorials section

= v6.5.8 – 16.01.2024 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.8.8

= v6.5.7 – 24.12.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.8.6

= v6.5.6 – 04.12.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.8.5
* Update Hotel Booking Checkout Fields plugin v1.2.1

= v6.5.5 – 21.11.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.8.4
* Fix error message when first activate the theme

= V6.5.4 – 08.11.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.8.3

= V6.5.3 – 06.10.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.8.2

= V6.5.2 – 04.10.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.8.1

= V6.5.1 – 27.09.2023 =
* Fix PHP error on single accommodation type page

= V6.5 – 27.09.2023 =
* Add 5 new hotel & resort websites demos
* Add new search result layout
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.8
* Update Hotel Booking Multi-Currency plugin v1.2.5
* Update Hotel Booking Notifier v1.3.2

= V6.4.6 – 13.09.2023 =
* Fix missing widgets in Elementor v3.16.1

= V6.4.5 – 14.08.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.7.4
* Update Hotel Booking Notifier v1.3.1
* Update Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments to v1.0.10
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.10

= V6.4.4 – 20.06.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.7.3
* Fix multiple parallax sliders issue
* Fix error message not display when no room available
* Fix mobile menu anchor link issue when add full URL

= V6.4.3 – 22.05.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.7.2
* Update Hotel Booking Multi-Currency plugin v1.2.4
* Add custom 404 not found page option
* Fix mouse-driven widget error
* Fix horizontal gallery arrows display on mobile

= V6.4.2 – 20.04.2023 =
* Fix multiple slider widgets on the same page issue
* Improve theme’s Elementor widgets UI

= V6.4.1 – 03.04.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.7.0
* Update Hotel Booking Notifier v1.3.0
* Update Hotel Booking Multi-Currency v1.2.3
* Fix horizontal gallery arrow disappear on mobile devices
* Fix multiple parallax sliders on the same page error

= V6.4 – 18.02.2023 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.6.0
* Update Hotel Booking Reviews v1.2.7
* Update Hotel Booking Checkout Fields v1.1.0
* Update Hotel Booking PDF Invoices v1.3.0
* Fix Elementor import template issue

= V6.3.9 – 31.12.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.5.1
* Update Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments to v1.0.9

= V6.3.8 – 01.12.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.5.0

= V6.3.7 – 13.11.2022 =
* Fix PHP error for unregistered website

= V6.3.6 – 13.11.2022 =
* Improve purchase code registration process
* Fix distortion grid widget responsive display issue

= V6.3.5 – 27.10.2022 =
* Fix purchase code verification issue on the backend

= V6.3.4 – 25.10.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.4.4
* Update Hotel Booking Multi-Currency plugin v1.2.2
* Add list layout option for search result page
* Fix my booking widget issue

= V6.3.3 – 01.09.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.4.1
* Update Hotel Booking Notifier plugin v1.2
* Update Hotel Booking Multi-Currency plugin v1.2.1
* Update Hotel Booking Checkout Fields plugin v1.0.6
* Fix 3d side menu issue using Firefox browser
* Fix social icon widget display issue

= V6.3.2 – 19.08.2022 =
* Improve theme loading speed & performance
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.4

= V6.3.1 – 27.07.2022 =
* Fix booking & checkout breadcrumbs issue when hide page header
* Update Hotel Booking Notifier plugin v1.1.3

= V6.3 – 25.07.2022 =
* Add 2 new ready to use websites
* Add contact form 7 Elementor widget
* Add booking & checkout breadcrumbs
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.3
* Update Hotel Booking Multi-Currency plugin v1.2.0
* Fix my account styling pages
* Fix Elementor edit templates issue
* Fix blog post excerpt code conditions issue

= V6.2.6 – 23.06.2022 =
* Fix purchase code unregistered issue

= V6.2.5 – 30.05.2022 =
* Add Hotel Booking Checkout Fields plugin
* Add Hotel Booking Notifier – Event-Driven Emails plugin
* Add Hotel Booking & Mailchimp Integration plugin
* Add Hotel Booking Multi-Currency plugin
* Add Hotel Booking Reviews plugin
* Improve theme customizer experience
* Fix Elementor depreciated functions
* Fix Facebook sharing featured image issue.

= V6.2.4.1 – 23.05.2022 =
* Fix single accommodation background header disappear issue

= V6.2.4 – 16.05.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.2.5
* Update Hotel Booking Payment Request plugin v1.1.9
* Update Hotel Booking PDF Invoices plugin v1.2.3
* Update Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments plugin v1.0.8

= V6.2.3 – 26.04.2022 =
* Fix license validation process issue

= V6.2.2 – 17.04.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.2.4
* Fix blog fullwidth template PHP error

= V6.2.1 – 02.04.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.2.2

= V6.2 – 12.03.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.2.1

= V6.1.1 – 24.02.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.2
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.7
* Fix accommodation type widget excerpt field
* Fix PHP error relate to Elementor templates for some customers

= V6.1 – 05.02.2022 =
* Fix template library issue with Elementor 3.5
* Fix Elementor Pro footer editor conflict issue
* Fix other room layout issue on mobile devices

= V6.0 – 03.01.2022 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.1.1
* Fix deposit text display issue on checkout page
* Fix JSON errors for some customers

= V5.9.2 – 28.11.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.1

= V5.9.1 – 14.11.2021 =
* Fix javascript error message when using fullscreen menu. Already fixed in local server

= V5.9 – 03.11.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v4.0
* Update Hotel Booking PDF Invoices plugin v1.1.2
* Fix Elementor backend content width issue
* Change Elementor template source to HTTPS

= V5.8.2 – 29.10.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.14

= V5.8.1 – 23.09.2021 =
* Fix demo import missing header images for some customers
* Fix scrolling issue on iOS devices

= V5.8 – 18.09.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.13
* Fix purchase code registration issue when update theme
* Fix horizontal slider auto play issue.

= V5.7.1 – 05.09.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.12
* Fix input text and textarea typing issue on iPhone

= V5.7 – 22.08.2021 =
* Add 3 new ready to use websites

= V5.6.2 – 17.08.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.11

= V5.6.1 – 01.08.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.10

= V5.6 – 21.07.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.8
* Update Hotel Booking PDF Invoices plugin v1.1.1
* Test and support WordPress 5.8

= V5.5 – 20.06.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.7
* Fix accommodation type children number display issue
* Fix horizontal slider auto play issue

= V5.4.2 – 11.05.2021 =
* Fix theme import demo issue for some customer which has limited resolving timeout setting

= V5.4.1 – 11.05.2021 =
* Fix single demo page importer issue

= V5.4 – 05.05.2021 =
* Change to the new product registration system
* Fix one page link issue on default single accommodation page

= V5.3.5 – 23.04.2021 =
* Fix demo template importer issue with Elementor 3.2.1

= V5.3.4 – 12.04.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.6
* Fix footer sidebar columns settings issue

= V5.3.3 – 31.03.2021 =
* Change zoom slider widget title tag to h2 to improve SEO
* Fix service grid widget’s link option

= V5.3.2 – 21.03.2021 =
* Fix horizontal slider & gallery widget display issue in Elementor editor
* Fix horizontal slider & gallery widget auto play timer issue

= V5.3.1 – 15.03.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.5
* Fix  horizontal gallery and slider issue with Elementor editor mode

= V5.3 – 26.02.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.4
* Update Hotel Booking PDF Invoices plugin v1.1

= V5.2.1 – 11.02.2021 =
* Fix search availability select option display issue on Firefox

= V5.2 – 09.02.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.3
* Fix all slider & portfolio widgets issue with Elementor 3.1.1
* Fix cultural demo’s sticky menu displays issue tablet & mobile menu when scrolling
* Fix room search results display issue

= V5.1.2 – 17.01.2021 =
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.6
* Fix child theme custom stylsheet issue
* Fix entrance animations issue on Firefox

= V5.1.1 – 09.01.2021 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9.2

= V5.1 – 09.12.2020 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.9
* Add WordPress 5.6 and PHP7.4+ compatibility

= V5.0 – 25.11.2020 =
* Add new Hotel Booking PDF Invoices plugin
* Fix mega menu display issue when using default navigation layouts
* Fix Tripadvisor issue when using social profiles widget

= V4.9 – 03.11.2020 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.8.7
* Fix menu item’s link target issue
* Fix child theme style.css file is not usable
* Fix accommodation carousel title color option issue

= V4.8 – 05.10.2020 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.8.5
* Fix image animation overlay color setting issue

= V4.7 – 27.09.2020 =
* Fix custom room attributes display issue on default single accommodation template
* Fix one page link issue on mobile menu

= V4.6 – 01.09.2020 =
* Add 2 new demos minimal & lodge hotels
* Add mega menu support for Elementor
* Add background changing on scroll option
* Add animation options & widgets
* Add testimonial carousel widget
* Add parallax background option
* Add availability calendar widget

= V4.5 – 13.08.2020 =
* Fix theme customiser colorpicker input issue with WordPress 5.5

= V4.4.1- 28.07.2020 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.8.3

= V4.4- 03.07.2020 =
* Add image size option to justified gallery widget
* Remove welcome theme widget on WordPress Dashboard
* Fix accommodation widget pagination issue when filter by accommodation categories
* Fix room grid alignment issue for some customers

= V4.3- 06.06.2020 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.8.2

= V4.2 – 26.02.2020 =
* Fix footer sidebar issue on tablet portrait orientation

= V4.1- 05.04.2020 =
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.8
* Update Hotel Booking Payment Request plugin v1.1.2
* Add alt to horizontal gallery images
* Fix horizontal gallery fullscreen display option conflict issue
* Fix search availability form responsive layout issue
* Fix missing img tag alt attribute in slider widget
* Fix single room page using incorrect “guest” and “adult” information

= V4.0- 18.02.2020 =
* Update MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin v3.7.5

= V3.9- 07.02.2020 =
* Update MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin v3.7.2

= V3.8- 19.12.2019 =
* Fix related rooms pricing display error for some customers

= V3.7.1- 13.12.2019 =
* Fix parallax slider issue from v3.7 update

= V3.7- 09.12.2019 =
* Fix mouse driven carousel widget issue for some customer sites

= V3.6- 13.10.2019 =
* Fix font uploader issue
* Update Envato Market plugin
* Update MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin v3.7.1

= V3.5- 11.10.2019 =
* Fix w3c validation error on main perspective container
* Fix custom attributes issue when using with multi languages plugins
* Update MotoPress booking plugin v3.7

= V3.4.2 – 19.09.2019 =
Fix hotel booking plugin update issue

= V3.4.1 – 17.09.2019 =
Fix hotel booking payment request plugin update issue

= V3.4 – 08.09.2019 =
* Added Direct Bank Transfer as a new payment gateway.
* Added the ability to delete ical synchronization logs automatically.
* Added new intervals for importing bookings through the ical “Quarter an Hour” and “Half an Hour”.
* The user information is no longer required while creating a booking in the admin panel. You can enable it again in the settings.
* Added new tags for email templates: Price Breakdown, Country, State, City, Postcode, Address, Full Guest Name.
* Added the ability to select the accommodation type while duplicating rates.
* Improvement: now if the accommodation type size is not set, the field will not be displayed on the website.
* Implemented bookings synchronization with Expedia travel booking website.
* Updated PayPal and Stripe payment integrations to comply with PSD2 and the SCA requirements.
* Added the ability to receive payments through Bancontact, iDEAL, Giropay, SEPA Direct Debit and SOFORT payment gateways via the updated Stripe API.

= V3.3.2 – 29.08.2019 =
* Fix post, accommodation options disappear from v3.3.1 update

= V3.3.1 – 26.08.2019 =
* Fix single accommodation page issue related to Elementor page builder

= V3.3 – 24.08.2019 =
* Fix header content issue with WPML and Polylang

= V3.2.1 – 28.07.2019 =
* Fix javascript error resize when view on mobile

= V3.2 – 20.07.2019 =
* Fix single accommodation page displays error on related rooms section

= V3.1 – 16.07.2019 =
* Add custom pricing support for Elementor accommodation grid widget
* Fix mountain hotelier – home missing in Elementor page templates
* Update all import demo xml files which improve all page templates responsive layout support

= V3.0 – 09.07.2019 =
* Add 2 new demos boutique and bed & breakfast hoteller
* Add option to create custom header & footer using Elementor page builder
* Add option to design single accommodation page using Elementor page builder
* Add automated payment request options to booking plugin
* Add A/B testing options to pages/posts
* Add option to display custom pricing for default single accommodation template
* Improve all templates responsive layout support

= V2.6 – 28.06.2019 =
* Add better responsive options for all theme’s Elementor widgets
* Fix single accommodation page featured background image display issue
* Improved compatibility with WPML plugin.
* Improved compatibility with PHP 7.3.
* Improved compatibility with MySQL 8.
* Added the ability to sort bookings by check-in / check-out date in the Bookings table.

= V2.5 – 18.06.2019 =
* Add custom attributes support to single room page right sidebar
* Added the ability to export bookings data in the CSV format.
* Added the ability to preset the first value of the Attributes list instead of an empty string for the search form field.
* Fixed the issue with incorrect results when searching through Attributes.
* Fixed the issue at checkout when a variable price was displayed instead of the base one.
* Fixed the issue with the Price Breakdown table encoding.
* Fixed the issue when the room_type_categories was displayed as Array.
* Improved management of the variable pricing: it is now possible to add price variations in a random order.
* Added css classes for the Price Breakdown table.
* Updated the list of available currencies for PayPal.

= V2.4 – 23.05.2019 =
* Major improvements on booking synchronisation with online channels via iCal interface.
* Added option for filtering and hiding imported bookings in the Bookings table.
* Added option for including Blocked Accommodations to exportable calendars.

= V2.3 – 07.05.2019 =
* Add HTML support for slider parallax description field
* Fix social profiles widget display issue
* Update MotoPress Booking plugin to v3.3.1
* Update Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments to v1.0.3

= V2.2 – 28.03.2019 =
* Fix one page link issue for mobile menu
* Fix close mobile menu button clickable issue
* Update MotoPress Booking plugin to v3.2

= V2.1 – 11.03.2019 =
* Fix disable booking option issue on single room page
* Fix uploaded font issue for some customers
* Improve demo importer reliability

= V2.0 – 19.02.2019 =
* Fix iframe code doesn’t work on single accommodation content
* Fix booking history’s booking status translation issue
* Fix custom font issue when using theme customizer
* Update Hotel Booking plugin v3.1

= V1.9 – 23.01.2019 =
* Fix current menu item status for menu item display issue
* Fix mobile close menu button clickable issue
* Fix blog post cut off letter “s” issue
* Fix one page mobile menu issue on mobile
* Update MotoPress Booking plugin to v3.0.3

= V1.8 – 08.12.2018 =
* Fix issue import theme’s page templates using Elementor v2.3.4 or higher
* Add support WordPress v5.0

= V1.7 – 21.11.2018 =
* Fix issue import theme’s page templates using Elementor v2.2.8 or higher
* Fix social icons display issue when enable top bar option

= V1.6 – 18.11.2018 =
* Fix subscriber reply comment script error
* Fix parallax slider image display issue on mobile devices
* Fix cultural homepage display alignment on tablet and mobile devices
* Update MotoPress Booking plugin to v3.0.2

= V1.5 – 30.10.2018 =
* Fix scrolling issue on iPhone & iPad
* Fix security risk related to all admin functionality

= V1.4 – 23.10.2018 =
* Fix gallery slider widgets javascript issue
* Fix blog grid, metro no space layouts background image issue on widescreen devices

= V1.3 – 12.10.2018 =
* Add new cultural hotel demo pages to Elementor templates
* Update MotoPress Booking plugin to v3.0.1
* Fix single room icons display issue when using child theme

= V1.2 – 21.09.2018 =
* Add new cultural hotel demo
* Add Woocommerce payment support plugin
* Update MotoPress Booking plugin to v3.0

= V1.1 – 20.07.2018 =
* Fix font awesome icon issue for some customers
* Fix booking form issue on Firefox

= V1.0 – 17.07.2018 =
* Initial Release
