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  5. Setting up Footer Content using Elementor

Setting up Footer Content using Elementor

Theme provided 2 ways to create and edit footer content. You can select one you want to use via Appearance > Customize > Footer > General > Display Footer Content From.

Using Footer Content with Elementor Page Builder

This option you can create multiple footer content and edit it using Elementor page builder which provides very flexible layouts for each page.

1. From WordPress Dashboard > Footers > Add New Footer

2. Then edit the footer with Elementor page builder.

3. It will open Elementor page builder editor page which you can use its drag&drop interface to create footer content. You can view detailed documentation about how to use Elementor page builder here.

4. Once you save all changes for footer content. There are 2 options to set it up to pages.

5. First you can select it as default footer content for all pages via Appearance > Customize > Footer > General > Default Footer Content.

6. Second you can overwrite default footer content on selected page using Page option > Page Footer.
