Grand Tour

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Theme Changelog

= V5.5.4 – 23.08.2024 =
* Update Appointment Booking Checkout Fields plugin v1.1.1
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.18
* Fix classic tour search form Elementor widget error

= V5.5.3 – 08.08.2024 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v2.1.0
* Update Appointment Booking Checkout Fields plugin v1.1.0
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.16

= V5.5.2 – 27.07.2024 =
* Update Appointment booking plugin v2.0.0
* Update Square Payments for Appointment Booking plugin v1.0.1
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.15

= V5.5.1 – 12.06.2024 =
* Add video tutorials

= V5.5 – 11.06.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.12
* Add 4 new demos websites
* Add Elementor support with theme’s custom widgets
* Add custom header, footer and fullscreen menu posts Elementor support
* Add a new premium appointment plugin
* Add Google Analytics for Appointment Booking plugin v1.0.0
* Add Appointment Booking Twilio SMS plugin v1.0.0
* Add Square Payments for Appointment Booking plugin

= V5.4 – 22.04.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.7.5
* Fix Youtube video display issue on Safari

= V5.3.13 – 03.01.2024 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.20
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.11

= V5.3.12 – 28.11.2023 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.18
* Fix Google map issue for some customers

= V5.3.11 – 29.09.2023 =
* Fix filter tour grid by tour category issue for some customers

= V5.3.10 – 21.09.2023 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.16
* Update Booked plugin v2.4.4

= V5.3.9 – 26.08.2023 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.15
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.10
* Fix single tour fullwidth template parallax background image disabling issue

= V5.3.8 – 23.05.2023 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.13
* Update Booked plugin v2.4.3
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.8

= V5.3.7 – 31.01.2023 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.10
* Update Booked plugin v2.4.2
* Add image Lightbox support for WordPress gallery block
* Fix 1 day single tour displays issue
* Fix empty single tour’s included and not included lists display issue

= V5.3.6 – 13.11.2022 =
* Improve purchase code registration process
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.6.5
* Add an option to make menu on single tour page normal

= V5.3.5 – 21.08.2022 =
* Fix cached custom CSS file issue

= V5.3.4 – 20.08.2022 =
* Improve theme loading speed & performance
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.31

= V5.3.3 – 26.04.2022 =
* Fix tour search results issue

= V5.3.2 – 26.04.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.20
* Fix all noticed errors on PHP8

= V5.3.1 – 16.03.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.19
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.7

= V5.3 – 04.01.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.12
* Fix social icon displays on top bar
* Fix tour duration integer only value issue

= V5.2 – 03.11.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.9
* Fix testimonial widget issue with WPML plugin translation
* Fix tour widgets pagination issue on homepage

= V5.1.2 – 05.09.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.7
* Fix input text and textarea typing issue on iPhone

= V5.1.1 – 29.07.2021 =
* Fix Revolution slider plugin installation issue from v5.1 update

= V5.1 – 21.07.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.4
* Test and support WordPress 5.8

= V5.0 – 20.05.2021 =
* Change to the new product registration system
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.4.11
* Update Booked plugin v2.3.5

= V4.9.2 – 05.03.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.4.2
* Fix lightbox script issue with WordPress 5.6

= V4.9.1 – 16.12.2020 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.3.3
* Add revisions support for custom post types
* Fix image lightbox script issue
* Fix content builder issue with WordPress 5.6

= V4.9 – 13.11.2020 =
* Add options to changes tour, destination and gallery permalink slug
* Update Booked plugin v2.3
* Fix Instagram API issue

= V4.8 – 13.10.2020 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.23
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0.5
* Fix video and image background parallax issue with Safari 14

= V4.7.1 – 13.08.2020 =
* Fix theme customiser’s color picker input issue with WordPress 5.5

= V4.7 – 12.08.2020 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.18
* Fix content builder saving issue with WordPress 5.5
* Add support for WordPress 5.5

= V4.6 – 10.08.2020 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.17
* Fix Instagram photo stream & widget issue

= V4.5 – 07.06.2020 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.12
* Update Booked plugin to v2.2.6

= V4.4 – 26.02.2020 =
* Fix tour item 1 day duration issue when days are not selected
* Update to Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.2
* Fix Instagram feed & photo stream issue

= V4.3- 02.12.2019 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.1.5
* Fix WordPress 5.3 error

= V4.2- 11.08.2019 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.0.9
* Update Booked plugin to v2.2.5

= V4.1 – 07.05.2019 =
* Add Google search results review rating support for tour
* Update Booked plugin to v2.2.4

= V4.0 – 14.03.2019 =
* Improve demo importer reliability
* Add option to change redirected URL when booked using Woocommerce option
* Fix scrolling issue on iPhone & iPad
* Fix subscriber reply comment script error
* Fix Woocommerce booking checkout & cart page not display product variation title
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.8.3
* Update Booked plugin v2.2.3

= V3.9 – 24.12.2018 =
* Add Gutenberg editor compatibility

= V3.8 – 08.12.2018 =
* Fix content builder disappear issue with WordPress v5.0
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.8.1

= V3.7.1 – 16.10.2018 =
* Fix javascript error when single tour gallery has no images
* Fix search result item padding display issue

= V3.7 – 17.09.2018 =
* Fix parallax video background autoplay issue
* Fix destination metro grid display issue

= V3.6 – 10.09.2018 =
* Fix content builder produce PHP warning when using with PHP7.2+

= V3.5 – 20.07.2018 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.8
* Fix theme default Facebook Open Graph issue on homepage

= V3.4.1 – 29.06.2018 =
* Fix single destination page layout issue when no related tour selected

= V3.4 – 13.06.2018 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.7.4
* Add tour price support value other than numeric
* Add hierarchical support for destination
* Fix video background issue on Chrome version 67

= V3.3.1 – 08.04.2018 =
* Fix Instagram photo stream and widget issue due to API change

= V3.3 – 05.04.2018 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.7.2
* Update Booked plugin v2.1
* Update Envato Market plugin v2.0
* Fix issue on PHP v7.2+
* Fix gallery shortcode navigation display issue

= V3.2 – 14.01.2018 =
* Fix Instagram photo stream and widget issue

= V3.1 – 06.12.2017 =
* Fix import demo issue on some server setting

= V3.0.1 – 17.11.2017 =
* Fix Instagram widget issue in WordPress 4.9

= V3.0 – 16.11.2017 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.6.3
* Update Booked plugin v2.0.5
* Fix theme customizer issue in WordPress 4.9
* Fix theme setting import styling issue in WordPress 4.9

= V2.9 – 26.10.2017 =
* Add option to turn off parallax on single tour page
* Fix CSS errors so it support minify cache plugin
* Fix recently view tours string (should be recently viewed tours)
* Fix blog post’s featured image overlapping in IE browser
* Fix tour widget issue when select “Any Tour Category” option

= V2.8 – 18.10.2017 =
* Update for Envato Hosted customers
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.6.2
* Add option to change destination’s related tours order (before/after content)

= V2.7.1 – 16.09.2017 =
* Fix invalid access token issue for product registration section

= V2.7 – 14.09.2017 =
* Add option to change testimonial column background image
* Improve import demo feature to import Revolution Slider automatically
* Fix incorrect tour search result when select destination which has no tours

= V2.6 – 27.08.2017 =
* Fix default header font weight issue
* Fix media lightbox shortcode issue
* Fix missing translation strings for tour search
* Fix booking form quantity input can change to minus number

= V2.5 – 04.08.2017 =
* Add new demos
* Add tour label option
* Add booking plugin support for single day tour
* Add option to disable theme default Facebook OpenGraph meta tags
* Add effect option when side menu open
* Add option to display tour content or booking form first on mobile devices
* Add option for booking method using custom HTML & shortcode
* Add new single tour fullwidth layout option
* Add new single destination fullwidth layout option
* Add options to customize page title font attributes
* Add new menu with search bar layout option
* Add new booking option using custom HTML and shortcode
* Fix display for single day tour which doesn’t have specific hours

= V2.4 – 26.06.2017 =
* Improve date picker field styling on Safari and Firefox browsers
* Add related tours excerpt to single destination page
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.5.1
* Fully test & support WordPress 4.8
* Fix errors message when single tour doesn’t have selected day option
* Fix Vimeo parallax video stop playing when scroll pass video
* Fix error when select empty Woocommerce product for tour booking

= V2.3.1 – 23.05.2017 =
* Fix order tour by popularity issue

= V2.3 – 22.05.2017 =
* Add title option to custom tour posts widget
* Add tripadvisor and yelp social profiles options
* Add filter by tour category option for tour grid in content builder
* Remove tour rating reply option in WordPress dashboard
* Change external booking option open in new tab
* Fix custom tour widget filter by selected tour category issue
* Fix tour categories grid and tour categories grid sidebar display incorrect selected items number
* Fix tour days translation issue
* Fix gallery slider shortcode navigation issue

= V2.2 – 26.04.2017 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin to v5.4.3
* Fix theme setting styling options issue

= V2.1 – 23.04.2017 =
* Add custom decimal to pricing and currency

= V2.0 – 21.04.2017 =
* Add one day tour support, number hours, day of week
* Add Woocommerce product variable support for adult & child calculation
* Fix draft tours display in instant search result
* Fix Woocommerce shop page, product font size issue
* Fix Woocommerce product gallery lightobox issue
* Fix GrandTour plugin translation issue
* Fix can not deselect tour gallery issue
* Change default content builder visual editor to text mode

= V1.6.2 – 09.04.2017 =
* Fix content builder issue with Safari browser

= V1.6.1 – 08.04.2017 =
* Fix non page builder margin bottom issue when have no recent tour

= V1.6 – 12.03.2017 =
* Add advanced search options to theme customizer
* Add search by tour category
* Add search by budget
* Add search by destination
* Add Tour categories modules to content builder
* Add Search order by review score
* Improve tour booking form so it displays first on mobile
* Fix booking form’s date field validation issue on Firefox
* Fix booking form’s date field issue on Safari
* Update Revolution Slider plugin to v5.4.1

= V1.5 – 25.02.2017 =
* Fix auto complete search issue when enable search bar on side menu
* Fix design issue for accordion shortcode

= V1.4 – 11.02.2017 =
* Improve my account page design
* Improve left sidebar layout display on mobile
* Add arrow to shop filter
* Add Woocommerce customize checkout field documentation
* Fix date field issue on Firefox

= V1.3 – 31.01.2017 =
* Add option to display “All months” tour
* Fix icon display issue for some server setting
* Fix tour displays incorrect selected months
* Fix tour months display issue when selected more than 6 months

= V1.2 – 29.01.2017 =
* Fix blog grid display issue when using content builder
* Fix wrong page template sample URL
* Fix recently view tour margin top issue when using content builder
* Fix boxed layout background image issue
* Fix warning message on single tour page for some server setting
* Fix search form icon display issue

= V1.1 – 17.01.2017 =
* Add sort tour by popularity
* Add recently view tours
* Add autocomplete for tour search form
* Add video preview for tour
* Add option to change map marker on tour
* Fix theme customizer menu hover option issue
* Fix post wrapper padding top issue when set blog as default homepage
* Fix WordPress 4.7+ rating issue
* Fix Woocommerce checkout issue

= V1.0 – 06.01.2017 =
* Initial Release
