Grand Tour

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  5. How to update the theme

How to update the theme

How To Get Notified of Theme Updates

There are a few ways to be notified when a new theme version has been released. Please see below for your options, as well as the changelog.

Option 1 – Download and install Envato Market plugin. You will see update notification appears in Appearance > Themes and you click to update the theme. However, you must register your Envato Access Token on the plugin page.

Option 2 – When logged into your account, you can visit your Downloads tab and find your theme purchase. Below it is a check box that says “Get notified by email if this item is updated”. Please check that box and you will be notified when we submit a new theme update.

Backup your site before updating the theme

Please follow the steps via using a plugin to automatically backup your current theme and uploading the new version:

Backup Setting of Customizer before updating the theme

Please follow the steps in WordPress forum in order to backup the setting of Customizer.

Prerequisites for updating the theme

  1. First you need to download the latest version of theme. Log into your Themeforest account and navigate to your downloads tab. Find the “Grand Tour” theme purchase.
  2. Click the “download” button next to it and choose to download the “Installable WordPress Theme” which is just the WordPress file, or choose the “Main Files” which is the entire package which include theme documentation, plugins etc.

Update using Envato Market Plugin (recommended)

  1. You need to download the plugin from here.
  2. The plugin Settings Page allows you to configure your Envato API Personal Token. This API Token is generated from and will allow WordPress to securely receive item updates. See detail instruction here.
  3. Click the ‘Envato Market’ menu in WordPress Dashboard.
  4. Enter your Token and you will be able to see your purchased items which is included Hoteller theme

Update via WordPress Dashboard

  1. Go to Apperance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme
  2. Select“grandtour-v…” file  and click “Install Now” button

Common Issues

  1. Are You sure you want to do this? If you get this message. Please check with your webhost upload file size limit and ask them to increase the limitation.
  2. Theme install failed destination folder already exists This is because WordPress allows you to have only 1 theme with the same name and folder. To get around this issue, please update theme using auto updater or FTP steps above.
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