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  5. Appointment Booking Plugin : Create tour calendar using schedules

Appointment Booking Plugin : Create tour calendar using schedules

First please install and activate Appointment Booking plugin before you proceed.

Add schedules for each employee via Schedules → Add new. You can add unlimited employees.

Here you’ll configure when, at what time, and where individual workers perform their duties.

  1. First of all, choose an employee you are creating a schedule for.
  2. Choose their main location (can be flexible for different working hours and days).
  3. Create a detailed timetable.

Employee timetable

In the timetable, for each day of the week you can choose:

  • A shift duration (working hours)
  • Lunchtime and break duration
  • Optionally set a different location depending on the day of the week.

The scheduling flexibility of the plugin also allows you to add:

  • days-off by choosing specific dates:

  • extra custom working times by choosing dates and specific working hours:

All these settings apply to the individual employees so you can create different schedules. You can also make changes to schedules anytime.

You can also display an employee schedule on the site suing a dedicated shortcode or widget.

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