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  5. Appointment Booking Plugin : Manage bookings

Appointment Booking Plugin : Manage bookings

First please install and activate Appointment Booking plugin before you proceed.

Go to the Booking menu to see all your bookings. If you want to manually add new reservations, click on the “Add new” button.

Click “Edit” to edit individual bookings.

Here is what you can update in a booking:

  • Booking status (pending, cancelled, or confirmed)

    • Booking details (total price and personal customer details)
    • Add a manual payment
    • Add or remove services/appointments

    • Change the appointment time and date

    • Change the number of people for the appointment.
    • Edit customer details and add booking notes / read booking notes left by your clients.

Here are rules applied when you add bookings manually as a website admin:

  • You can edit past dates. The minimum past date you can choose depends on the first booking ever made on your site. If this is a new booking, you can choose dates up to the first day of the current month.
  • The “Allow multibooking” option is taken into account for bookings with more than one service (even if this option is disabled in the plugin settings at the moment of editing the booking).
  • The reservation price can be automatically updated to the current one if the reservation was not paid yet or if the paid price is lower than the new one. In case of underpayment, customers can pay the required balance but recording refunds is not possible via the plugin’s system.

You can also view and manage all bookings in the individual Calendar menu (you must be on at least WordPress 5.0 to access the calendar).

Navigate to Appointments > Calendar to view past, current and future bookings.

To see details of each booking, for example, client name, phone, status or service booked, just click on the needed booking in a calendar and it will pop up reservation’s details.

Remember that one reservation can contain several services since one person can book different services during one checkout.

The Appointment Employee user role, which is assigned to individual service providers, can see the calendar as well but only their assigned bookings; they can’t access booking details of other employees. They are also not able to hit the “View Booking” button in the pop-up.