Grand Tour

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  5. My website header, footer and some elements are missing

My website header, footer and some elements are missing

Normally if your header, footer and theme’s elements. are missing. It means that your purchase code was unregistered.

Here are checklists you can do to check the reason of the issue.

  1. Make sure you registered 1 purchase code for 1 website domain. If not, please unregister it from other website and try to register it again via Theme Setting > Registration
  2. Normally when you move from temporary domain to live domain. This iss might occurs as your purchase code still register to your temporary website. Please login to your temporary website and unregister the purchase code. Then try to register it again via Theme Setting > Registration
  3. Please register your account here using your purchase code. Once you logged in. You will be able to see the current registered domain website and you can unregister it there. Then try to register it again via Theme Setting > Registration

If you still couldn’t solve the issue. Please contact us using the contact form on this page. Please also add a link to your site as well as the login credentials and purchase code when submitting, so we can take a look at your site.