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Page Options

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Pages > Add New and enter page title.

You will find page options box on the right sidebar. Below are details about each page options.

Page Options

  • Transparent Header – Check this option if you want to display header in transparent
  • Hide Default Page Title – Check this option if you want to hide default page title.
  • Page Tagline(Optional) – Enter page tagline. It will displays under page title. HTML is support (optional)
  • Page Header (Optional) – Select this page header content if you want to display header content other than default one
  • Page Sticky Header (Optional) – Select this page sticky header content if you want to display header content other than default one
  • Page Transparent Header (Optional) – Select this page transparent header content if you want to display transparent header content other than default one
  • Page Sidebar (Optional) – Select this page’s sidebar to display (support only page templates with sidebar)
  • Page Footer (Optional) – Select this page’s footer (created with Elementor page builder) to display.
  • Hide Footer – Check this option if you want to hide default page footer

How to set different header for specific page

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