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Event Tickets: Setting up Tickets Commerce

With Event Tickets‘ free e-commerce solution, Tickets Commerce, you can sell tickets to your events for free. If you were previously using WooCommerce, but are looking to switch over to Tickets Commerce, you can easily make this change.

In fact, you can enable both e-commerce solutions at the same time if you prefer. We’ll show you how to do it here!

Enable Tickets Commerce

If you already have WooCommerce enabled for your tickets, but would like to enable Tickets Commerce as well, simply head over to Tickets > Settings > Payments and toggle on the option to Enable Tickets Commerce.

Once you click Save Changes, you’ll see options to connect to PayPal and Stripe. You can follow the prompts to set up one or both of these payment options for your users. Learn even more about setting up payments for Tickets Commerce here.

Setting up Basic Tickets

Tickets can be added to posts, pages, or events. In the Classic Editor, you will find the Tickets meta box below the main content of the post type:

When clicking on the + New ticket button you will be presented with some additional options:

Many of the fields in the tickets meta box are self-explanatory, but let’s run through each just to be sure.

  • Type lets you set a unique name for the ticket type – which might be something like Standard, Adult, Concession, etc.
  • Price controls the price of each ticket. If the tickets are not going to be sold – but rather you are going to give them away for free – you can leave this field blank or set it to 0.
    • Note: Leaving the price blank only works when using WooCommerce at this time. When using Tickets Commerce, the price field is required.
  • Capacity is the number of tickets that are available: if you leave this blank it is assumed that there is no limit and customers can buy as many as they would like. If you have a limited number of spots for your event, you’ll want to make sure to set this accordingly.


  • Ticket description is optional, but it’s a good space to add any information customers might be interested in, such as bring waterproof jackets or not recommended for children. You can choose to show or not in the front-end ticket form.
  • Start sale dictates when the tickets are available for sale. If you’re making tickets on a post or page, this field is required. If you are making tickets for an event, you don’t need to set this field – by default, sales will start when you publish the event or ticket.
  • End sale does the reverse – you can set this to a date after which the tickets should no longer be available for customers to buy. As with the start sale field, setting this is optional for events and the default is to stop sales when the event itself starts.
  • SKU lets you set a unique code to help identify the tickets. This is another optional field and is of most use to merchants with an existing stock-keeping unit system.

By default, the name and contact information of the person buying the tickets is collected during the purchase process. If you want to collect additional information (such as names of all attendees, t-shirt sizes, etc.) then you can implement the Attendee Information feature (Available only with Tickets Plus) by clicking + Attendee Information. This feature is explored in another article, and this walkthrough assumes that you do not need to collect additional information.

As soon as you’re ready, simply click on Save/Update Ticket and you’re done … and never fear, if you make a mistake you can correct it by clicking on the edit link (pencil icon) later on:

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